Days of Operation

Days of Operation

To set your business hours go to Booking X -> Settings -> Business Information -> Days of Operation

As most businesses have the same operating hours for each day you can group these by:

  1. Clicking the Choose a day drop down box and selecting the days that have the same operating hours.

  2. Then setting the open and close times.

If you want to have another group of hours click the Add another set of hours button.

Screenshot of the completed days of operations settings, Mon, Tue, Wed business hours are 10am till 5pm. Thu and Fri are 9am till 6pm, and Sat 10am till 4pm.

Days that aren’t selected will be set as closed on the booking form.

If you set the Business Vacation and Public Holidays, though dates will be marked as unavailable on the booking calendar.

Screenshot of  the Business Vacation and Public Holiday section of the Days of operation settings. No dates have been selected.

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