Booking Status

Booking Status

When a customer makes a booking, the new booking is marked as Pending. This allows you to ensure that you are able to complete the booking at the date and time requested. You are able to reschedule the booking if required.

Once the you can confirm you are able to perform the booking use the Actions drop down on the right, to change to Acknowledged. THis will email the customer that you have acknowledged the booking and will change the Current Status of the booking to Acknowledged.

After you have completed the booking you can set the status of the booking to Completed. Once the booking status is changed to Completed, it is considered closed, as such, you will not be able to change the status on the booking. When the booking is marked as complete, the customer will be sent a Thank You email.

If a booking is missed, you can change the status to Missed. We recommend having a clause in you terms and conditions or Cancellation Policy for this occurrence. As with Completed bookings, it is  considered closed, as such, you will not be able to change the status on the booking. A sorry we missed you will be sent to the customer.

When a booking needs to be cancelled, by either the customer or the business, there is an action to do this. When a booking is Cancelled, it will re-open the time block that this booking was taking. As with Completed and missed bookings, it is  considered closed, as such, you will not be able to change the status on the booking. A cancellation email will be sent to the customer.

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