Add Extra

Add Extra

To add an extra go to Booking X -> Extra (This label will differ depending on what you set it as in your Alias settings)

Adding the Extra Name, Description and Image works the same as creating a page or post in WordPress.

  1. Extra Name is the form field “Enter Title Here”
  2. Description in the visual editor
  3. Set the feature image for the extra image.

In the Details section you can do the following:

  1.  Set Price
  2. Set Time type. E.g. Days, Hours, Minute
  3. Set if the extra requires its own time bracket or can overlap with other extra. The setting enables you to perform 2 extras at the same time, if at least 1 is set to overlap
  4. Set which Resource can offer the extra.
  5. Set which Services can offer the extra.
  6. Set If the Extra is currently unavailable.

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