If you wish to add a single resources information to a particular page, select the Booking X Resource Listing Block, then in the Block Content Settings Set the “Select Seat” to the Resource you desire.

If your using classic editor or your theme doesn’t support blocks, goto Booking X -> Resource, to view your resources. copy the shortcode from the right column e.g. [bookingx seat-id=”177″ description=”yes” image=”yes” extra-info=”no”]
![Administrators Resource listing page displayed with with short code highlighted. [bookingx seat-id=”177″ description=”yes” image=”yes” extra-info=”no”]](https://3j3ojzgv4et159u452fnzwu5-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Resource-Admin-List-Resource-Shortcode.png)
Then paste into your desired page.

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