How to use the Booking Packages Add-on

How to use the Booking Packages Add-on



  1. Backup your site completely before proceeding.
  2. Downloaded your copy of the Booking Packages add-on.
  3. Log in to your WordPress installation.
  4. Click on the Plugins menu item
    1. then “Add New” button on the top left next to the “Plugins” title
    2. Followed by the “Upload Plugin” button on the top left next to the “Add New” title.
  5. Select the Booking Packages zip file and click the “Install Now” button.
  6. Once installed click the activate button.


  1. Backup your site completely before proceeding.
  2. Downloaded your copy of the Booking Packages add-on.
  3. Extract the Booking Packages zip file.
  4. Open your favourite FTP client (ours is Filezilla).
  5. Connect to your WordPress server.
  6. Copy the Booking Packages folder to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory. This installs the add-on to your WordPress site.
  7. Log in to your WordPress installation.
  8. Click on the “Installed Plugins” menu item.
  9. Click the Booking Packages “Activate” link.

Booking X Settings

If you wish to change the “Packages” label through out your WordPress web site, click on the Booking X Settings menu item. Then under the “General” tab, “Alias” section, find the Packages label and fill the adjacent textbox field.

Creating a New Booking Package

NB: To create a new bookings package, you will need to have already add your resources and services.

  1. Click on the “Packages” menu item under the Booking section of your WordPress dashboard menu.
  2. Then click the the “Add New Packages” button next to the “Packages” title.
  3. Using either the WordPress Block or Classic Editor add the Booking Packages title and description.
  4. To configure the Booking Package you will need to set;
    1. The resources that offer the Booking Package.
    2. The services available.
    3. Any extras (this is not a required field)
    4. Add Booking Packages Price
  1. Like when you create a new resource, you can set Booking packages to require pre payment.
    1. You can select between deposit or full payment.
    2. If you select “Deposit” you have the option between a fixed amount or a percentage of the Booking Package price.
    3. You then enter the fixed amount or percentage value.
  1. To add a Booking Packages Gallery thick the plus icon to open the WordPress media box.
    1. Click the Create Gallery menu item
    2. Then select the images you wish to use for your gallery, you can drop new images in to you Media Library if you wish.
    3. Click the “Create a new gallery” button in the bottom right.
    4. Then the “Insert gallery” button, also in the bottom right. (If you wish to reorder the image, you can do that on this page.)
    5. The images you selected will now be displayed in the Packages gallery section
  1. Set the Booking Packages “Feature Image”, like you would a regular WordPress page or post.
  2. Once complete either click the “Save draft” or “Publish” button.

NB: Below the Feature image section the WordPress page settings you can see the “Package Overview” This highlights;

  1. Number of services selected
  2. Number of extras selected
  3. Total duration
  4. Total combined price
  5. Package Price

Package Listing Block

If you want to cerate a customised Booking Packages listing page, the simplest way is to is the Package Listing block.

Once selected you will be able to set;

  1. The number rows and columns.
  2. All packages or particular selection.
  3. Show/hide the description and image.
  4. Set the order

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