- Backup your site completely before proceeding.
- Downloaded your copy of the Breaks and Vacations for Staff add-on.
- Log in to your WordPress installation.
- Click on the Plugins menu item
- then “Add New” button on the top left next to the “Plugins” title
- Followed by the “Upload Plugin” button on the top left next to the “Add New” title.
- Select the Breaks and Vacations for Staff zip file and click the “Install Now” button.
- Once installed click the activate button.
- Backup your site completely before proceeding.
- Downloaded your copy of the Breaks and Vacations for Staff add-on.
- Extract the Breaks and Vacations for Staff zip file.
- Open your favourite FTP client (ours is Filezilla).
- Connect to your WordPress server.
- Copy the Breaks and Vacations for Staff folder to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory. This installs the add-on to your WordPress site.
- Log in to your WordPress installation.
- Click on the “Installed Plugins” menu item.
- Click the Breaks and Vacations for Staff “Activate” link.
Booking X Settings
NB: If you wish to set vacation time for the whole business follow the tutorial about “Days of Operation”.
Set Break and Vacation Time
- Go to the resource you wish to set the break and vacation for. If you have done this yet, we recommend you follow the tutorial on adding a new resource.
- Scroll past the Staff Details section and you will see a new section called “Breaks and Vacation”.
- Set the start and end times for the staff members break.
- Set the sate and end date for their vacation.

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