Shopify and Squarespace – Where Does WordPress Fit In?

Gone are the days when only web developers and savvy tech nerds can whip up a website. Nowadays, there are countless options for anyone to create their own web presence. Beyond the boutique-style websites, more and more people are also getting into e-commerce. Just like static websites, it has become easier to set-up an online… Continue reading Shopify and Squarespace – Where Does WordPress Fit In?

WordPress Booking Engines

The rapid changes in web technology are giving birth to new and innovative virtual products and services. Beyond virtual products such as e-books, music, and other content, Web 2.0 paved the way for services to be available online. The development of rapid communication systems and sophisticated payment methods made online services possible. Now, it is… Continue reading WordPress Booking Engines

Gutenberg, The Imminent Arrival

Content creation is the center of WordPress and its success. The default editor TinyMCE has served the community quite well. However, this year marks a significant change in WordPress history: the release of Gutenberg. What is Gutenberg? Gutenberg is a completely different approach to the default WordPress Editor. The traditional input window of TinyMCE Editor… Continue reading Gutenberg, The Imminent Arrival